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Kingdom Advancers stands by the apostolic declaration that as for us, we shall continually give ourselves unto prayer, and the ministering of the Word. Kingdom Advancers Is a group of young people that comes together to ignite  young men and women who will go back to their families, their local church bodies, their assignments with  fire and passion that is based on Biblical truth and sustained by prayer. And because it’s based on biblical truth and the altar of prayer the end result will not just be being anointed, but being anointed with character. Our focus is not the pulpit but a mandate and cry for God to send revival, in the words of Evan Roberts “Oh Lord bend us”

Because true revival will change mankind within the space of the Heart, we are not organizers we are agonizers, no flesh must glory in his presence,  Maranatha! Come lord come.


Our focus is not the pulpit but a mandate and cry for God to send revival, in the words of Evan Roberts “Oh Lord bend us.” Because true revival will change mankind within the space of the Heart, we are not organizers we are agonizers, no flesh must glory in his presence,  Maranatha! Come lord come. 


Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers. Join Kingdom Advancers on a transformative mission to spread the gospel globally, connecting with the vibrant pulse of the young generation through the unifying power of Christ.Fueled by passion and purpose, our unwavering commitment seeks to bring the light of the gospel to every corner of the globe.


Kingdom Advancers is dedicated to the profound mission of building a community anchored in the principles of God-fearing, purpose-driven young men. With hearts ablaze with the love of God, our focus is on nurturing individuals who passionately seek the divine will, aspiring to be catalysts for transformative change in both our generation and community. Through intentional mentorship, prayer, and a commitment to biblical values, we endeavor to shape a generation of leaders who radiate the love of God and actively work to manifest His will in our collective journey. Join us as we forge a community where the echoes of divine purpose resonate, and together, we advance the Kingdom within our hearts and throughout our community.


Build your hunger for God, let it be a fire that fuels your faith. In Christ Jesus, the more you seek, the more you find; the more you believe, the more you receive. As you construct your appetite for His presence, watch your faith rise, mountains move, and miracles unfold. The foundation of your journey in Christ is laid by the bricks of hunger and faith; build them strong, and witness the extraordinary unfold in your life.

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